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Metal powder coating

The structure is in place, time to tackle the look of your project too. For aesthetic surface treatment, there are several options for colouring or painting the steel. You can choose wet paint or powder paint.

What is wet paint?

Wet paint is paint that is sprayed onto the material and then needs to dry out until it can be transported. The number of layers to be applied depends on the use. Apart from the standard colours, it is also possible to spray fire-resistant paint.

What is powder coating?

Powder painting or powder coating is an electrostatic painting process. Negatively charged powder particles are sprayed onto grounded material. This causes this powder to stick to the material, after which it goes into an oven where it is melted. The dimensions of the structure play a role here given the limitation of the furnace size.

Types of powder coating

When it comes to powder coating, there are several options:

  • Standard powder coating has a satin shiny smooth appearance.
  • Textured powder lacquer has a rough matt appearance.
  • Matt powder lacquer gives the material a matt smooth appearance.

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